Muna farin cikin gabatar da sabon abun: m iyakoki da huluna, wanda ke gini a kan daidaitattun ƙa'idar hula, mun kara abubuwan duniya don sanya shi na musamman.
Dukda cewa Tie-Dye ne mai sauki & m kuma an yi amfani dashi tsawon shekaru ɗari, idan aka kwatanta launuka na gargajiya na gargajiya da kuma tsarin karfin gwiwa da tabbataccen tsarinta tabbas yana jawo hankalin fatar ido. Zai iya ɗaukar al'adun daga kasashe daban-daban irin su Indonesiya, Nigeria, Indiya, Mexico da ƙari. Bayan wannan, ana iya danganta shi da hippies waɗanda suke son sa waɗancan launuka masu ban sha'awa da ƙirar pystedelic. Duk waɗannan sun yi namuiyakokiMashahuri ƙwarai kuma ku more babbar kasuwa, musamman matasa ƙarni waɗanda suke wakiltar da kyauta.
** abu:Auduga twill, polyester, zane, tawul da sauransu
** abubuwa:Iyakoki, huluna, bandes, mulufi, jaka, sutura da sauransu.
** zane:Ti0y uned, karin bugu ko wani ado ake samu
** Girma:Manya, yara daidai da buƙatarku
Our new attractive designs of hats and caps can be in various of materials such as cotton twill, polyester, canvas, towels. Special process of custom your logos by tie-dyed, extra printing or other different decorations, printing etc. These fashion hats can be worn by both adults and children. Our tie dye hats could be any color & logo as per your design. Logos are random, Lighter or darker colors accordingly. It’s pretty attractive for this process and easy to catch other’s eye. Our trendy hat is perfect for anywhere you go, welcome to custom your favorite colors tie dye caps. Free samples could be sent to you for quality reference. The small quantity is workable for trial order. Contact us at right now for detailed quotation of the tie-dyed caps, not only make you cool & attractive, never go out of style, but also gain a great amount of market share.
Lokaci: Apr-29-2022