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Buɗaɗɗen soja

A takaice bayanin:

Congratulations! You stepped into a professional factory who has been making high quality Military Belt Buckle for more than 37 years. We have a large selection of Military Belt Buckles, brass belt buckles, zinc alloy belt buckles with various plating and sizes, colors can be Imitation hard enamel and also soft enamel. Send your request to sales@sjjgifts.com to get professional suggestions NOW.

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Cikakken Bayani

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Taya murna! Kun shiga masana'antar ƙwararru wanda ke yin inganciJirgin bel na sojafiye da shekaru 36. Muna da babban zaɓi naBuɗaɗɗen soja, Brass or Zinc alloy material with various plating and sizes, colors can be Imitation hard enamel and also soft enamel. Send your request to sales@sjjgifts.com to get professional suggestions NOW.



  • Abu: Brass / Zinc Aliloy / Iron / Aluminum
  • Girma gama gari: 2.5 "/ 3" (dacewa don bel a cikin girma dabam dabam)
  • Logo: Flat 2d / 3D
  • Launuka: kwaikwayon wuya enamel / enamel mai taushi (tare da ko ba tare da epoxy)
  • Plating: Zinare / Nickel / Tashin teku / Kiwon Karo, da sauransu.
  • Babu iyakancewa na moq
  • Kunshin: Jakar kumfa, PVC Farko, Akwatin takarda, akwatin Fata na Deluxe

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